Tagged: qr

QR Code at Migros

QR Code at Migros

First time ever that I see a QR Code used at point of sales in a grocery store. That must be a sign of democratization of barcodes!

QR Code on television

Shortly after my first QR Code scan of a public signage (I have been scanning QR Code for a long time :-), I get my first “scan QR Code on tv” experience yesterday night as I was watching “L’oeil de links” show for the first time. This new show on Canal+ is basically reporting what’s interesting/hot on the web and they use QR Code incrusted in the lower right corner of the screen to communicate the URL to the viewership. Easy. Smart. Useful. And best of all they are not using one of the proprietary solution out there… just standardized QR Code.
The show is available on the web, go and watch it by yourself (there is even a 15 seconds explanation on how to use QR Code at the begining).

“L’oeil de Links” on Twitter

QR Code on signage


I scanned my first QR Code in the street last week. It was on a signage and it lead me to a form to participate to a contest (unfortunately the deadline had passed). Surprinsingly the target webpage was well formated for my mobile device. I guess that’s a sign that both QR Code and the mobile web are progressing… Neat.

Yet another barcode generator website: Augme.com


Augme.com. Nice service that lets you generate barcode (either qrcode or datamatrix) for any mobile link. Once subscribe you can then generate your barcodes, tag them, search,… but I have not seen any statistic module.
Note that barcode generated move the targeted URL to augme.com domain. The URL encoded is hosted in another domain, format is the following: x.augme.com/somealphanumcode. Therefore when generating barcodes on augme.com you get tied to them.

I have been thinking about something similar with additional functionalities linked to the mobile world (transcoding service for instance) but I have not yet found the time to implement it…