Tagged: 2d

2D barcodes for applications download

Tommi’s blog: 2D barcodes pointing directly to application downloads

Good idea, I had seen it somewhere I think but do not remember where (I thought it was on GetJar but apparently not and I could not find it). Here is a two inputs on my side.

1) Not sure that going directly to the download process is the right way to go. An intermediate page that gives some information to the end user like download size and version might be safer. User might feel a bit more secure as soon as it knows how big is the file he is going to download (and charge for, as long as we do not have true flat rate).

2) Why generating one barcode per device model ? (ie. Share online per N95, Share online per N73,… ) the whole logic should be hidden to the user and put on the server side. The correct version of the software to be downloaded should be determined on the server (thanks to User-agent detection), if it exists.

i-nigma, yet another mobilecode reader

i-nigmaWhen testing Nokia N95, I found out on Nokia mobilecode website that a new reader has poped up on the market: i-nigma. It is developped by 3G Vision which is also Kaywa Reader provider, so…

I installed the reader and, likewise Kaywa Reader, code detection is much faster than on the Nokia reader. Really really faster and much more user friendly but what the hell is this user interface ? this design ? The whole website and reader is based on this orange and black flame thing (like the logo) which makes me feel 20 to 30 years ago. Has not design evolved since then ? Is that all what they could come up with ? It is so ugly imho that it actually hurts usability.

It seems they are also providing some services after a registration on their website, though none of them seem to be very appealing (creating mobilecode with my friends infos, creating mobilecodes for my bookmarks or creating some notes). Nothing fancy, not even useful. Geez…. what a pitty.

It seems to be another one of this company that has a very good “original” technology but not much ideas around it.

On a positive note I like the mobilecode creator with the code updated as you type the URL. Pretty cool.