Tagged: youtube

YouTube app vanished?

ipad-youtubeWTF… went through the iOS update for the iPad sitting in our living room (which remains the only device Apple branded at home) and I could not find the YouTube App any more… it had disappeared, vanished without notice, without warning. I knew that the new Maps app was sucking big time which I have not tried yet but did not hear anything about YouTube app being removed from the front page. What if I had bought this iPad only for that app? Apple really does not care? This is really a good example on why and how a close ecosystem like the one from Apple can be bad and I do not want to be part of.

For those interested Google has released the YouTube app for iPhone and I am sure the iPad one is in the pipeline… in the meantime you can safely use the web version which has all the features needed.

Playing with URLs on YouTube Mobile

(part 1) Wouah. YouTube Mobile is now available for every video, while until now it was only for selected videos. Because they are smart and because every video has a single id you can deduce the URL of the mobile version of a video from the web version. I need now to update my “killing” video plugin for WordPress :-)

Quite easy to translate this link (a video from the Kruger National Park):

to this (same video on the mobile version):


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About videos in posts and comments

Publishing video on your blog is not as easy as a copy-paste of the code propose by the website. I often run into problems mainly because of the editor used by my blog platform. I found it painful enough to think that putting something together for the bloggers on “Parlons” might be a good idea… Done. All they need to do now when publishing a video is to put the video link between bracket [ ].
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