About JavaScript support in mobile browser
Thanks to Russell I know now that AdSense for mobile is NOT based on JavaScript but it anyway emphasizes that wide JavaScript and Ajax support on handset is a milestone for the mobile web.
The XMLHttpRequest has improved a lot interfaces on the “normal” web to the point of creating a revolution (you know this web2.0 thing,…). There is no reason the same does not happen on the mobile web, especially given that smallest request to refresh only a small part of the screen and saving bandwidth is something you are really looking for on a slowest and way more expensive network.
Let Ajax and its magic request alone, JavaScript support would be already a big step towards better adoption because when I think about services on the web that are the most useful for a business and marketers it comes down to statistics and advertisements. Both services drive revenues and they are JavaScript based most of the time, so…
I just found out today about the Frost Ajax Library, a tool for Ajax development on constrained browsers, such as those on mobile phones or gaming consoles. I guess the mobile web is finding its way… and it is on track for Mobile Web 4.0
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